Until approximately 6 months of age, baby’s digestive tract is not able to digest most foods. A baby is ready for solid foods when she/he is able to sit up and is able to push food away. New food should be introduced one at a time for 4-7 days to see if there is any reactivity.

Symptoms that indicate reactivity to foods:
Ear infections, redness on face/cheeks, skin reactions such as urticaria, runny nose, dark circles under eyes, constipation, hyperactivity or lethargy, diarrhea or mucous in stool, rash around mouth or anus.


At 6 months, foods are introduced into the breast feeding regime. Several qualities are desirable: 1) Generally, hypoallergenic foods should be used; 2) Easy chewability; 3) reasonably iron-rich (but not high iron); 4) Adequate fiber and fluid levels for the health of the colon.

  1. Prunes: Fiber, Iron, Vitamin C, Fluid, Calcium
  2. Cherries: Fiber, Iron, Vitamin C, Fluid
  3. Banana: Potassium, Iron, Chewability
  4. Blackberry: Fiber, Iron, Vitamin C
  5. Carrot (cooked/mashed): Fiber, Carotenes, Calcium
  6. Mung Bean Sprouts (blended): Iron, Bulk
  7. Cauliflower (cooked/mashed/blended): Iron, Bulk, Calcium
  8. Applesauce: Pectin, Fluid, Fruit sugars
  9. Grapes: Vitamin C, Fluid, Fruit sugars
  10. Yam: Carbohydrates, Carotenes, Potassium
  11. Pears: Vitamin C, Fiber, Fruit Sugars
  12. Kiwi: Vitamin C, Fluid, Enzymes
  13. Green Peas: Iron, Fiber, Chlorophyll, Calcium
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